Monday, May 12, 2008

Make Your Linux Play Movies Smoothly

Posted on 8:47 PM by Setyagus Sucipto

I got problem when played movie in my linux box (my linux box it's fedora core 8 with intel chipset), when I change screen movie to fullscreen the player can't play the movie smoothly. First time I think myplayer it's have problem, but when I tried another player like totem, mplayer I got same problem.

When I surf in Internet I found the problem it's not on player. We just need setting our /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can use gedit,vi, vim as your editor.

Please find the section "Device" and insert this command below

Option "VideoRam" "65536"
Option "CacheLines" "1980"
Option "LinearAlloc" "32768"

If you need explaination about all the think you can search at google.

After you edit your xorg.conf please save and restart your Xwindows with ctrk+alt+backspace

I hope this article usefull and you can watch the movie more smoothly.

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