Monday, May 12, 2008

Make Your Linux Play Movies Smoothly

I got problem when played movie in my linux box (my linux box it's fedora core 8 with intel chipset), when I change screen movie to fullscreen the player can't play the movie smoothly. First time I think myplayer it's have problem, but when I tried another player like totem, mplayer I got same problem.

When I surf in Internet I found the problem it's not on player. We just need setting our /etc/X11/xorg.conf you can use gedit,vi, vim as your editor.

Please find the section "Device" and insert this command below

Option "VideoRam" "65536"
Option "CacheLines" "1980"
Option "LinearAlloc" "32768"

If you need explaination about all the think you can search at google.

After you edit your xorg.conf please save and restart your Xwindows with ctrk+alt+backspace

I hope this article usefull and you can watch the movie more smoothly.

Monday, May 5, 2008

yum extender - GUI For your yum

Yum is simple application on fedora core for install any application from repository, it's hard to read application on text base, now we can use gui for yum. The Gui is yum extender (a.k.a. yumex), . With yumex we can install, deinstall or update packages, it's available in the gnome applications menu.

If you interesting you can install it from your terminal.
yum install yumex

Fedora core 8 nice tutorial

When i browsing the net I found nice article, this article about how to install fedora core 8, the owner tell us step by step how to install fedora core 8 with picture, not just that they give us howto get perfect desktop.

The title article is installation Guide: Fedora 8 Desktop (a.k.a. The Perfect Desktop)
you can visiting it on here

Hope this information can help every one that want to use fedora

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Windows Manager error on fedora linux

Today i got error on my fedora 8, i can't find any panel navigation like minimizing,maximize and close button. When i click icon hide and show desktop it show error, the error is "Your window manager does not support the show desktop button, or you are not running a window manager." I think this problem cause i wrong setting my confiz setting manager.

When i search on internet i found command for fix it, you just need write this command on your terminal
metacity --replace

After you call that command your linux box will back to normal again but all the effect will back to the default.